Warrnambool | A City for Living

Customer Service Charter

Consultation Closed: Friday, January 13, 2023 - 5:00 pm
What we consulted you about

Warrnambool City Council’s Customer Service Charter describes Council’s commitment to the community it serves.

The Charter is a guiding document which sets out the standards Council staff strive to meet in our interactions with residents of, and visitors to, Warrnambool. It is a guide for the whole of Council, not just for the front-of-house staff.

Council has typically recorded strong customer service results in the annual Local Government Community Satisfaction Surveys and the Charter is a key to ensuring high customer service standards are maintained.

Council has revised and updated the Charter. At its meeting on December 5, 2022, Council voted to release the Draft Customer Service Charter 2022 to the community for comment.

You can read the Draft Customer Service Charter here.

To have your say on the Charter send your feedback to contact@warrnambool.vic.gov.au

Council will also accept written submissions which can be sent to:

Customer Service Charter

Warrnambool City Council

25 Liebig Street

Warrnambool 3280


Submissions close on January 13, 2023.