Warrnambool | A City for Living

Draft Warrnambool and Moyne Youth Strategy

Consultation Closed: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - 5:00 pm
What we consulted you about

For the first time, Moyne and Warrnambool City Councils have worked together to develop a shared Youth Strategy - a bold and collaborative plan to guide activities and programs for young people over the next five years.

Why a Shared Strategy?

In our region, young people naturally move between Moyne and Warrnambool, accessing shared services like education, healthcare, and recreation facilities. They also participate in youth programs offered in both areas. By uniting our efforts, we can address regional challenges more effectively and create solutions that truly reflect the needs and aspirations of our youth.

Shaped by Young People, for Young People

The Strategy has been shaped by a Co-Design Panel of 20 young people (10 from each council area) aged 16 to 24. This diverse group has played a vital role in ensuring the Strategy responds to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by young people in our region. They have guided key decisions and ensured the voices of their peers are front and centre.

Extensive Community Input

Between June and August 2024, we heard from 875 stakeholders including:
- 41 engagement activities involving 291 young people and 126 adults
- An online survey with responses from 389 young people and 69 adults

Draft Youth Strategy for review

After in-depth consultations with young people and key stakeholders, as well as extensive work with our co-design panel we have a draft strategy ready for the community to review. The Moyne and Warrnambool Youth Strategy 2025–2030 lays out where the two councils will put their energies over the next five years. It highlights the kinds of programs, activities and advocacy we will undertake to improve the lives of young people and embrace them as a key part of our community. We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Read the Draft Moyne and Warrnambool Youth Strategy

Online – leave your comment below

Email – send with subject line "Youth Strategy Feedback" to:

Mail – post or deliver (at the Civic Centre City Assist desk) to:
Lotti Dumesny,
Warrnambool City Council Youth Engagement Department
PO Box 198
Warrnambool, Vic, 3280
We're asking for feedback by Wednesday 22 January 2025.