Warrnambool | A City for Living

Flagstaff Hill Re-Imagined: Vision and Opportunities Plan

Consultation Closed: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 - 5:00 pm
What we consulted you about

Flagstaff Hill is a ticketed tourism attraction located in Warrnambool, in south west Victoria within the Great Ocean Road tourism region.

Warrnambool City Council manages the site and the attraction, which includes a museum, maritime village and sound and light show.

Now, 50 years since the village was constructed, a new future for the site is being imagined to both address critical issues, respond to project objectives and drive longer term economic, tourism and social benefits to the region. Aerial image of Flagstaff Hill looking east over the two lighthouses.

The aim of the Flagstaff Hill Re- Imagined project is to explore the future precinct development opportunities and options for the Flagstaff Hill site, articulate a vision for the site and provide a framework that will guide the future directions and investment into the precinct.

The preferred option for the site features public and private investment with possible uses and activities including a geothermal/wellness centre, accommodation, function and event facilities, a First Nations experience, hospitality and dining, the maritime museum and visitor services. 

Following consultation with the community and various stakeholders in early 2023, the draft document Flagstaff Hill Re-Imagined: a Vision and Opportunities Plan, has been developed.

Council wants to hear what the community thinks about the proposed new vision for Flagstaff Hill.

You can read a summary of Warrnambool Re-Imagined or thedraft plan in full.

To have your say send an email to contact@warrnambool.vic.gov.au

You can also write to:

Flagstaff Hill Re-Imagined

Warrnambool City Council

PO Box 198 

Warrnambool Vic 3280