Warrnambool | A City for Living

Have your say on mapping for the South Warrnambool Flood Investigation

Consultation Closed: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - 5:00 pm
What happened next

The next round of community engagement is tentatively scheduled for September 2023.

At that point revised mapping, informed by the new information gathered in June, will be presented.

Council and the Glenelg-Hopkins Catchment Management Authority will also present flood risk mitigation options which may be suitable for further investigation.

What we consulted you about

1946 Flood Map - East

1946 Flood Map - West

2009 Flood Map - East

2009 Flood Map - West

2014 Flood Map - East

2014 Flood Map - West

2020 Flood Map - East

2020 Flood Map - West

Predicted Flood Impact East - 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (analogous to former "one-in-100-year" flood model).

Predicted Flood Impact West

Predicted Storm Surge Impact East (1% Annual Exceedance Probability).

Predicted Storm Surge Impact West

Have your say on the South Warrnambool Flood Investigation.

The investigation includes the development of historic flood maps and Council is keen to receive community advice to help with "ground truthing" the historical event mapping.

Draft maps illustrating the predicted impact of floods and storm surges have also been produced as part of the flood investigation.

Local knowledge is invaluable and a flood investigation in a lower-lying urban area such as South Warrnambool is a vital part of the planning process and informs flood-related planning controls.

The investigation of riverine and storm tide (oceanic) flooding for South Warrnambool is a joint project between Council and the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (GHCMA) with consultants Venant Solutions engaged to provide specialist expertise and advice.

The investigation will consider detailed information about the nature of flood risk including the distribution, extent, depths, levels and velocity of floodwaters for a range for storm events including historic and design flood events.

You can check out the maps via the links to the right and submit your feedback below.  

Submissions close 5pm, Wednesday June 28.