Have your say on parking facilities in Warrnambool.
Council wants to hear from the community about parking to inform a new parking strategy.
Warrnambool has a mix of free and paid parking.
Free parking includes one free first hour in the 2P bays within Parkers Car Park, Ozone Car Park and in the privately owned Coles-Younger Car Park.
Ongoing free parking exists in a range of other locations across Warrnambool including within the health precinct, Banyan Street, the railway precinct, Raglan Parade, Cannon Hill, the Breakwater, Lake Pertobe and in the industrial area. In some free parking areas, such as Banyan Street, time limits apply.
In paid parking spaces Council operates a "pay-by-plate" parking system which requires motorists to enter registration plate details into either the parking meters or via the Cellopark app.
The pay-by-plate system means you don’t have to print out a ticket and walk back to your car to display it. Paid parking helps ensure there is a turnover of spaces available for shoppers within the city centre.
The income from parking is used to maintain car parks (sealing, lighting, line-marking) and for enforcement of time limits by Council's Local Laws officers.
Parking in and around the city centre has been designed to ensure people coming to the city centre have choices.
For commuters or people coming to enjoy a movie or a leisurely day browsing shops and dining at a café or restaurant, we have a number of all-day car parks.
For those doing tasks like a grocery shop or collecting an item at a pharmacy there are short-term options, including 15-minute bays along Liebig Street.
Over the past decade new parking spaces have been created or formalised at several locations including the railway precinct, off-Kepler Street and Grace Avenue.
Parking for parents with prams is available in the Target, Coles Centro, and Ozone Square car parks.
Accessible parking permit holders are able to park in accessible bays for free while a permit system has been introduced which provides free parking for Warrnambool residents who have represented Australia in war service.
For more information on the parking strategy you can call Council on 5559 4800 or send an email to contact@warrnambool.vic.gov.au
Have your say via the survey below. Your feedback will inform the development of a Draft Parking Strategy which will also be circulated for community feedback later this year.